Things to remember..

I want you all to score well and receive the score you want.  In order for this to happen you need follow the directions and give it your best effort.  I cant wait to see what you all have come up with! Remember to have fun with these assignments! If you have any questions please do not be afraid to contact me with any questions. Good Luck!
Mrs. Cox

Dates to remember:

November 25: PowerPoint and lesson will be taught in class. 
November 27: Students will come to class with the type of yoga they want to do.  You will be divided up in your groups and begin discussing what you are going to put on your poster board.
November 29: Students will have class time to do research in the computer lab at school.  They will begin typing papers and working with groups on their poster boards.
December 1: Students Poster Boards are due.  They will be presented to the class before they are turned in. 
December 3: Students Papers are due